Learning to be a Blogger

The creation of a website has certainly been one that has taught us some tech skills that we've never had to use. It has also been an exercise in looking back at the past. Adding pictures and descriptions of early days in music ministry reminds us once again of the rich heritage we are so blessed to have. The website has also made us realize where we are today. We've reflected on music we are singing, look forward to the scheduled events, and the reviews received have been heartwarming. But I guess the greatest experience has been praying over the site as it's developed. Praying that God will use it to open doors. Praying that we represent ourselves as children and servants of Jesus Christ. Praying we always make ministry our first focus and not entertainment. I trust as you maneuver around our site, you sense all those same feelings, and will whisper a prayer for us along the way.

The Montgomery Family