Jeff Simpson is the tenor singer for the group.
Jeff grew up in a family of singers, and sang with
his brother and father in the local church all
through his young adult years.  He later
became a part of a men's trio, and also a
men's quartet that sang in the home church.
Jeff attended Western Carolina University
with a scholarship in running track.
He graduated with a four year degree in accounting.

Jeff married into the Montgomery family in 1986,
but actually started singing with the family
several years earlier. If there was ever to be
a replacement for Harold in the Montgomery Family
singers, God certainly provided it in Jeff. Jeff is the
perfect blend singer, and has a range that allows
him to be used from the lowest baritone note, to
hitting the high notes strong and consistent.  

Jeff is a partner in an accounting firm in Monroe, NC.
He enjoys running, cycling, hiking, watching college sports,
and working in his yard and garden.
When tour schedule allows, Jeff is active in the choir
and praise team at church.
Jeff currently serves on several church committees,
and has served on the deacon board.